January 28, 2010

Types of flow control and a closer look at Windowing


The three types of flow control consists of:

  1. buffering
  2. windowing
  3. congestion avoidance

A closer look at what windowing is and it's function at the transport layer


  • Windowing is the quantity of data segments (measured in bytes) that the transmitting machine is allowed to send without receiving an acknowledgement for them.
  • In other words, it's the break of time in between data segments of before and after.
  • Windowing is used to control the amount of outstanding, unacknowledged data segments.

Note: if hosts fails to receive all segments that it should have acknowledged, the host can improve the communication session by decreasing window size.

Connection-oriented Communication

Note: Recall that connection-oriented communications takes place in conjunction with flow control. These communication sessions, in combination of the protocols involved, provide for reliable data transports at the transport layer.



This is what we call the "Three Way Handshake"

  1. The 1st "connection agreement" segment is a request for synchronization.
  2. At the 2nd and 3rd connection agreement, segments acknowledge the requests and establishes connection parameters (the rules) between hosts. These segments request that the receiver sequencing is synchronized here as well, resulting in a bidirectional connection.
  3. The final segment is also an acknowledgement. It notifies the destination host that the connection has been established – Data transfer can now begin.

How to identify a connection-oriented communication when you see one

  1. It has a virtual circuit set up. (i.e.. 3 way handshake)
  2. Use sequencing
  3. Use acknowledgements
  4. Use flow control

Question: What happens when a device receives a flooding of datagram's (packets) too quickly for it to process?

Answer: They store them in a memory section called a buffer.

Understanding how flow control operates at the Transport layer

A quick overview of the Transport layer and its function:

  • Reliable networking is used at the transport layer
    • Reliable networking = using acknowledgements, sequencing, and flow control in the network.
  • Segments and reassembles data into a data stream from the upper application layer and unites the information into the same data stream for further processing.

Flow Control

  • Flow control prevents a sending host on one side of the connection from overflowing the buffers in the receiving host.
    • an event that can result in data loss
  • Reliable data transports and employs a connection oriented communications sessions between systems and the protocols involved, to ensure that the following will be achieved:
    • Segments delivered are acknowledged back to the sender upon their reception.
    • Any segments not acknowledged are re-transmitted.
    • Segments are sequenced back into their proper order upon arrival at their destination.
    • A manageable data flow is maintained in order to:
      • avoid traffic congestion
      • overloading
      • data loss
  • The purpose of flow control is to provide means for the receiver to be able to govern the out of data sent by the sender.

Important additional functions of the OSI reference model's upper layers


Application layer

  • The application layer acts as an interface between the actual applications programs.
    • Example - Microsoft Word – actually does not reside at the application layer, but instead just interfaces at the application layer protocol, using data presented to it by the presentation layer.

Presentation layer

  • The presentation layer presents data to the application layer up top.
  • Responsible for data translation and code formatting.
  • Acts as a translator that presents and provides coding and conversion functions.
    • Example – EBCDIC to ASCII
  • Some presentation layer may also involves multimedia operations too.

Session Layer

  • The session layer is responsible for setting up, managing, and then tearing down sessions between layer entities.
  • Coordinates communication between systems and serves to organize their communication by offering THREE different modes:
    • Simplex
    • Half Duplex
    • Full Duplex
  • Keeps different application data separate from other applications data.

January 26, 2010

A quick overview of the OSI layers and their functions


  • file
  • print
  • message
  • database
  • application services


  • data encryption
  • compression
  • translation


  • dialog control


  • end-to-end connection


  • routing

Data Link

  • framing


  • physical topology

Facts and notes on the OSI reference model bottom layers

The bottom layers of the OSI reference model include

  1. Transport
  2. Network
  3. Data Link
  4. Physical

Functions at each of the bottom layers

- provides reliable or unreliable delivery
- performs error correction before re-transmit

- provides logical addressing, which routers use for path information

Data Link
- combines packets into bytes and bytes into frames
- provides access to media, using MAC address
- performs error detection, NOT correction

- moves bits between devices
- specifies voltage, wire speed, and pin-out of cables

The following operates at all seven layers of the OSI reference model

  1. Network Management Stations (NMS)
  2. Web and application servers
  3. Gateways (not default gateways)
  4. Network Hosts

Facts and notes on the OSI reference model

  1. The OSI reference model has seven layers and is divided into two groups.
  2. The top three layers define how the applications within the end stations will communicate with each other and with users.
  3. The bottom four layers define how data is transmitted end to end.

The upper layers of the OSI reference model include

  1. Application layer
  2. Presentation layer
  3. Session layer

*Note: Users interfaces with computer at the application layer.

*Note: The upper layers are responsible for applications communications between hosts.



January 23, 2010

Advantages of using an OSI reference model

Advantages of using an OSI model include:
  1. Prevents changes in one layer from affecting other layers.
  2. Divides the network communication process into smaller and simpler components, thus aiding components development, design, and troubleshooting.
  3. Allows multiple-vendor development through standardization of network components.
  4. Encourages industry standardization by defining what functions occur at each layer of the model.
  5. Allows various types of hardware and software to communicate

*Reference model: conceptual blueprint of how communications should take place.

*Binding: communication processes that are related to each other are bounded, or grouped together, at a particular layer.

January 22, 2010

Tips on network, routers, and switches

1. Plan your network design carefully.

2. Use network bridge in network to reduce collisions within broadcast domains and to increase the number of collision domains in your network.

3. Using hubs can contribute to traffic congestion.

4. Routers break up collision domains as well as broadcast domains.

5. Although bridges/switches are used to segment networks, they WILL NOT isolate broadcast or multicast domains.

6. Even though you have a switched network, you still need a router to provide your inter-VLAN communication or internetworking.

January 12, 2010

The OSI reference model and it's seven layers

The OSI reference model has seven layers:

Application layer (layer 7)
Presentation layer (layer 6)
Session layer (layer 5)
Transport layer (layer 4)
Network layer (layer 3)
Data Link layer (layer 2)
Physical layer (layer 1)